The body text is going to be this text field that flows from one page to the next and it fits perfectly in the margins. This will show us here a box which is the Body Text. If we want to see the top and bottom margins as well we can use View and then Show Layout. I'll talk more about indents in a minute.
You can see here the left and right margins are indicated here on the ruler. I'm going to zoom out a little bit to 75%. This will show the ruler here at the top of the page. The first way is to go to View and let's Show Ruler. Now if you actually want to see the margins on the page we can. You can see here they are set to one inch all the way around, top, bottom, left, right. Then in the document area of the Sidebar you can find Document Margins. First to actually see what the margins are set to you want to go to the Sidebar here. Let's say we want to setup specific margins. Let's start with a word processing document. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. There you can read more about the Patreon Campaign. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 1000 supporters.
Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out How To Adjust Margins In Mac Pages at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.